Thursday 24 January 2013

Chocolate love

It might just be love at first taste, maybe even just the thought gives my heart a little flutter. You see I have always loved chocolate.  Like my father before me, though I suspect it is not a mutual adoration. I am still in denial. This is my story and I think I will tell it this way... One bright beautiful afternoon my good friend Charly came over to get a little help with her knitting.  Her very good idea, no wait great idea to bake as well was a welcome addition.  We made Brownie Cookies.  I don't know where she got the recipe from, but I changed a few things for the second batch.  Yes I made two batches in one day.  Here is the second variation as I think we all preferred them, I must admit they were both so good though that I will have to make more very soon.

Brownie Cookies: Grain-free, Sugar-free
4 eggs
1/3 cup unsweetened apple sauce
1/2 cup fat (softened butter, ghee, coconut oil)
1/2 cup honey
1/2 teaspoon real salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 tablespoon organic coffee (like, already made to drink. Not coffee grounds.)
4 tablespoons cocoa powder
1/2 cup cacao nibs ( I didn't have any for the second batch and they were good without)
1/2 cup coconut flour

Beat the eggs. A LOT. My new trick is using an immersion  blender for this. When you’re baking without baking soda, you want to make sure you fluff up the eggs as much as you can.

Then, use the blender to mix in the applesauce  til it’s smoothly blended with the eggs.
Add in the fat, honey, salt, vanilla, coffee (I learned recently that coffee brings out the flavor of chocolate really nicely, and if you just use a little, it doesn’t taste like coffee), cocoa powder, and cacao nibs. Blend until it’s smooth.

Then, slowly mix in the coconut flour, allowing it to “settle” in the mixture as you go. You may need more or less than 1/2 a cup. But for this recipe, I was aiming for more of a batter-like consistency than a dough-like one, since all my attempts at coconut flour cookies have shown me that they do not rise, spread, or otherwise change shape in the oven hardly at all. I don’t want ball-shaped cookies. I want flatter, cookie-shaped cookies. So I make the “dough” thinner for cookies like this.

Bake at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes. Check the bottoms to see if they’ve turned a little darker in color. Hard to see from the top since everything is brown!

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