Thursday 15 November 2012

Fingerless Gloves for Charly

Soooo, I wasn't sure exactly what I wanted to use my blog for, maybe part journal and part helping others with health and nutrition. Well, today I want to share what I am excited about at the moment. I very much tend to do my creating in spurts. I love making things, It satisfies something deep inside me. Today my time was spent making fingerless gloves for a very good friend of mine.  I have been trying out various patterns I have found free online, and put the patterns into my head swirled them around and used the parts I liked best to create my own pattern. I feel like Dumbledore, secretly I wish I was magical.  Here is my newest works of art.

I need to back up a few weeks and mention that my daughter Gabby has been wanting to learn to knit, oh for a few years now.  I did not really take her seriously. Mostly because I didn't remember how to knit. I arranged to have an old family friend teach her. I sat in on the visit/lesson.  Ok I felt like I was all thumbs. As it turns out I knit continental not English style. I have spent the last month refining my knitting skills. I have made various fingerless gloves, scarves and socks. Not all of it has turned out as I envisioned them. Alas that is the story of my life.  I will have to look at all my chicken scratches and figure out how to write the pattern down so that you can understand what I did, but that must wait for another day, as I work early tomorrow and must get some shut eye.

Ok here we go I think I have it figured out or at least the time to figure out how to write the pattern for anyone to understand how I made these.

I used Colinette Cadenza 100% DK Merino wool, my needle size was 4mm and I used dpn's as this is knit in the round. The gauge is 22sts x 28 rows = 4 inches. I used almost one whole skein.

Cast on 36 stitches and then distribute evenly between three dpn's, joining in the round making sure to not twist your stitches.

K2 P2 for two inches.  On next round increase 4 stitches evenly (40) stitches now.  Knit two more rows.

Thumb increase: knit 18 stitches, increase one stitch by knitting in the front and back of next stitch, Knit 2 then knit in the front and back (increase) of next stitch, knit 18 stitches. Knit 3 rows.

Second increase: knit 18 stitches, knit in the front and back of next stitch, knit 4 stitches, knit in the front and back of the next stitch, knit 18 stitches.  Knit 3 rows.

Third increase: knit 18 stitches, knit in the front and back of next stitch, knit 6 stitches, knit in the 
front and back of the next stitch, knit 18 stitches.  Knit 3 rows.

Fourth increase: knit 18 stitches, knit in the front and back of next stitch, knit 8 stitches, knit in the front and back of the next stitch, knit 18 stitches.  Knit 3 rows.

Fifth increase: knit 18 stitches, knit in the front and back of next stitch, knit 10 stitches, knit in the front and back of the next stitch, knit 18 stitches.  Knit 2 rows.  Knit 18 stitches, put the next 14 stitches on a stitch holder, cast on 4 stitches using backward loop cast on and continue knitting to end of round on dpn's.  knit 10 rounds.  Knit 4 rounds in K2P2 then bind off all stitches in pattern. 

Thumb: place the 14 stitches from holder onto two dpn's, with a third dpn pick up 6 stitches across the top of the thumb opening.  Knit one round.  On first dpn k2tog then knit until there are two stitches left on second dpn, ssk (this decreases two stitches on second round of thumb) repeat for the next 2 rounds, you should have 12 stitches left. Evenly distribute those stitches onto your three dpn's. knit one round.  Knit four rounds of k2p2 ribbing and bind off loosely in pattern.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the gloves and how adorable Gabby looks in them! Good job, you :)
