Thursday 15 November 2012

Fingerless Gloves for Charly

Soooo, I wasn't sure exactly what I wanted to use my blog for, maybe part journal and part helping others with health and nutrition. Well, today I want to share what I am excited about at the moment. I very much tend to do my creating in spurts. I love making things, It satisfies something deep inside me. Today my time was spent making fingerless gloves for a very good friend of mine.  I have been trying out various patterns I have found free online, and put the patterns into my head swirled them around and used the parts I liked best to create my own pattern. I feel like Dumbledore, secretly I wish I was magical.  Here is my newest works of art.

I need to back up a few weeks and mention that my daughter Gabby has been wanting to learn to knit, oh for a few years now.  I did not really take her seriously. Mostly because I didn't remember how to knit. I arranged to have an old family friend teach her. I sat in on the visit/lesson.  Ok I felt like I was all thumbs. As it turns out I knit continental not English style. I have spent the last month refining my knitting skills. I have made various fingerless gloves, scarves and socks. Not all of it has turned out as I envisioned them. Alas that is the story of my life.  I will have to look at all my chicken scratches and figure out how to write the pattern down so that you can understand what I did, but that must wait for another day, as I work early tomorrow and must get some shut eye.

Ok here we go I think I have it figured out or at least the time to figure out how to write the pattern for anyone to understand how I made these.

I used Colinette Cadenza 100% DK Merino wool, my needle size was 4mm and I used dpn's as this is knit in the round. The gauge is 22sts x 28 rows = 4 inches. I used almost one whole skein.

Cast on 36 stitches and then distribute evenly between three dpn's, joining in the round making sure to not twist your stitches.

K2 P2 for two inches.  On next round increase 4 stitches evenly (40) stitches now.  Knit two more rows.

Thumb increase: knit 18 stitches, increase one stitch by knitting in the front and back of next stitch, Knit 2 then knit in the front and back (increase) of next stitch, knit 18 stitches. Knit 3 rows.

Second increase: knit 18 stitches, knit in the front and back of next stitch, knit 4 stitches, knit in the front and back of the next stitch, knit 18 stitches.  Knit 3 rows.

Third increase: knit 18 stitches, knit in the front and back of next stitch, knit 6 stitches, knit in the 
front and back of the next stitch, knit 18 stitches.  Knit 3 rows.

Fourth increase: knit 18 stitches, knit in the front and back of next stitch, knit 8 stitches, knit in the front and back of the next stitch, knit 18 stitches.  Knit 3 rows.

Fifth increase: knit 18 stitches, knit in the front and back of next stitch, knit 10 stitches, knit in the front and back of the next stitch, knit 18 stitches.  Knit 2 rows.  Knit 18 stitches, put the next 14 stitches on a stitch holder, cast on 4 stitches using backward loop cast on and continue knitting to end of round on dpn's.  knit 10 rounds.  Knit 4 rounds in K2P2 then bind off all stitches in pattern. 

Thumb: place the 14 stitches from holder onto two dpn's, with a third dpn pick up 6 stitches across the top of the thumb opening.  Knit one round.  On first dpn k2tog then knit until there are two stitches left on second dpn, ssk (this decreases two stitches on second round of thumb) repeat for the next 2 rounds, you should have 12 stitches left. Evenly distribute those stitches onto your three dpn's. knit one round.  Knit four rounds of k2p2 ribbing and bind off loosely in pattern.

Sunday 4 November 2012

Hi, my name is Shannon, I also go by Shaz.  Once upon a time my best friend also was named Shannon, to avoid confusion our friends and coworkers asked us to go by our nicknames.  While living in Australia with my cousins.  My cousin Cindy started calling me Shaz.  She explained that they would drop the last part of a name and add a Z.  I admit that I thought it pretty cool to have a nickname all my own.

I think I started this blog because I wanted to share my story, or part of it.  I have been helped by reading other blogs in the past and found out there are other people out there that have gone through some of the same digestive or stomach problems that I have experienced.  It is a good way to share recipes and ideas.  I have a few favorite places when I might be looking for a new recipe, or one that has been already adapted to the ingredients that I can eat.

When I was little my father used to sing to us.  He was an amazing vocalist.  One favorite song he sang to me was about a doll having a pain in her sawdust.  My sister reminded me of this and... my blog was named.  I have suffered most of my life with stomach pain.  I didn't always realize it as such.  I was just a picky eater, because food made me feel sick.  I remember eating my mothers famous fried chicken and wanting to die, ok maybe just sink into the couch as I tried to will away the pain.  I hate throwing up, hate it!!  It was just easier to not eat, that way there was no pain.  I still eat things that cause me pain, as I can't pin down exactly what it was that caused the pain.  If I eat the most boring diet then I seem to be fine.  It's not the seasonings that are a problem, so I don't have to eat dull food, its seems to be the variety.  I do really good when I am dieting down for a show, higher protein, lower carb, tons of veggies but no sugar of any type.  I tend to get fairly restricted in variety just being lazy I think.  I know it is not healthy so I try to eat more variety, then the pain starts.  It is rather ironic that I feel best when I eat strict and as soon as I add in anything that I think tastes good (usually a treat) then I start to feel sick again.  Funny how most people think I am lucky that so many things make me feel sick.  That way I stay fairly lean year round. I don't feel so lucky when a simple birthday cake becomes such an event.

I have started eating grain free about 9 months ago, that was great for a space of time, then I just had no energy left and was struggling with fatigue.  I added back oatmeal a couple of times a week.  Funny as when I was a child it was a major battle to get me to eat oatmeal.  I love my oatmeal now, but try to limit it to a few times a week.  That is the only grain that I allow myself, or that my naturopath agrees I can have on a limited basis.

Life is a journey and this is my battle.  It could be worse.  I sometimes wish I could have a temper tantrum, but only if it would actually get me what I wanted, which it wouldn't.  I am trying to work on being positive, my glass is half full, and I can enjoy what I have.  I have an amazing family, four wonderful kids that I love immensely.  I have the most beautiful one year old grandson, who constantly makes me smile, his love is genuine.  He looks in so many ways just like his father did at that same age.  There is another grand-baby on the way, we are so looking forward to seeing her, and I will admit spoiling her as well.  I have two wonderful daughter-in-laws, I love them both.  My sister and brothers are all dear to me, I am constantly thinking of stories from when we were kids and how much fun we had, how we all love each other.  My parents were always the center of our family, my father had a short battle with cancer that took him from us way too young.  I will always feel the gap his passing has left.  He was much beloved by his family.  He was not a jovial man, but his depth of love for us all was endless.  My mother has been a constant friend and cheerleader through the ups and downs of life.  I never wished for anyone different.  All of this is capped off with having an amazing boyfriend Brian, and how he helps me in every way.  Even when I don't want help.  I hope that we can all enjoy our journeys together helping support and encourage others along the way.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

How do you do this???

How can writing a simple blog make me feel like a kid in school writing an essay.  Just so you know that was one thing sure to make me want to pull out a book and escape into another world.  I have a few favorite blogs, the authors are witty, smart and funny.  All things that I wish I was.  I understand my strengths and weaknesses.  There are moments in time that I feel I am all of those things, but mostly I feel very mundane.  Writing is not my forte.  Now if you want to talk nutrition, exercises at the gym, or almost anything that is along those lines I can talk forever.  Sadly none of those topics are funny or witty. I am determined to do this, partly because I want to share some of my experiences with you out there, partly to help others that might be going through experiences similar to mine.

I am excited and a little nervous about this new thing called a blog.  I read my sisters blog and love hearing what she has to say (I also admit to getting excited whenever she mentions me)  I hope to be able to share a little bit of my life with any who might want to read.  I have been a personal trainer for years, 5 officially, a few more than that unofficially.  I love the gym, used to call myself a gym rat.  I have moved on from that, and can now love being at home with my family, cooking, knitting in front of the fire and spending time with Brian and our two new puppies.