Tuesday 23 October 2012

How do you do this???

How can writing a simple blog make me feel like a kid in school writing an essay.  Just so you know that was one thing sure to make me want to pull out a book and escape into another world.  I have a few favorite blogs, the authors are witty, smart and funny.  All things that I wish I was.  I understand my strengths and weaknesses.  There are moments in time that I feel I am all of those things, but mostly I feel very mundane.  Writing is not my forte.  Now if you want to talk nutrition, exercises at the gym, or almost anything that is along those lines I can talk forever.  Sadly none of those topics are funny or witty. I am determined to do this, partly because I want to share some of my experiences with you out there, partly to help others that might be going through experiences similar to mine.

I am excited and a little nervous about this new thing called a blog.  I read my sisters blog and love hearing what she has to say (I also admit to getting excited whenever she mentions me)  I hope to be able to share a little bit of my life with any who might want to read.  I have been a personal trainer for years, 5 officially, a few more than that unofficially.  I love the gym, used to call myself a gym rat.  I have moved on from that, and can now love being at home with my family, cooking, knitting in front of the fire and spending time with Brian and our two new puppies.  

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